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Parish Diary January 2025

Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Wed 1NEW YEAR'S DAY BANK HOLIDAY; BANK HOLIDAY - no services in churchBANK HOLIDAY - no services in church
Thurs 2  6pm-9pm Choir rehearsal;9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am Eucharist;
6.00pm Evensong;
Fri 3    
SAT 4 10-12noon Climb to the Top of the Tower;  
SUN 5 10am Sung Eucharist;8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
Midday Late Service;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 6   9.15am Morning Prayer;
Tues 7 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
 6.00pm Evensong;
7.45pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 8  9:15 Morning Prayer
10:30 Communion, Coffee & Cake
6.00pm Evensong;
Thurs 9  6pm-9pm Choir rehearsal;9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am Eucharist;
6.00pm Evensong;
7.30 Consultative Group meeting;
Fri 10    
SAT 11  TYO rehearsals and concert 
SUN 12 10am Sung Eucharist;10.00am Sung Eucharist;8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
Midday Late Service;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 13  3:30pm MESSY CHURCH First of 20259.15am Morning Prayer;
Tues 14 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
 6.00pm Evensong;
7.00pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 15 7.00pm-9.00pm MIND Carers Grp (StM Rm);9:15 Morning Prayer
10:30 Communion, Coffee & Cake
6.00pm Evensong;
Thurs 16  6pm-9pm Choir rehearsal;9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am Eucharist;
11.30am thanksgiving service for Andrew Cherry;
6.00pm Evensong;
Fri 17    
SAT 18    
SUN 19 10am Worship for All;10.00am Sung Eucharist;
afternoon Winter Warmer in CCCH
5pm Choral Evensong
8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
Midday Late Service;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 20Finance and Property Meeting; 3:30pm MESSY CHURCH9.15am Morning Prayer;
Tues 21 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
8.00pm St Mary's Consultative - St Mary's Room;
 6.00pm Evensong;
7.00pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 226.15-7.15pm Julien Meeting at Christ Church; 9:15 Morning Prayer
10:30 Communion, Coffee & Cake;
6.15-7.15pm Julien Meeting;
6.00pm Evensong;
Thurs 23  6pm-9pm Choir rehearsal;9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am Eucharist;
2.00pm - 5.00pm Burns night preparation;
6.00pm Evensong;
7.00pm - 9.00pm Burns night preparation continued;
Fri 24TBC Burns Night Supper and Dancing at All Saints;  2.00pm onwards Burns Night Supper and Dancing;
SAT 25   9.00am - 1.00pm Burns night tidy up;
2.00 - 6.00pm Barnes and Mortlake History Society;
SUN 26 10am Sung Eucharist;10.00am Sung Eucharist;8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
Midday Late Service;
Parish St Mary'sChrist ChurchAll Saints
Mon 277.30pm PCC Meeting at St Mary's;7.30pm PCC Meeting;3:30pm MESSY CHURCH9.15am Morning Prayer;
Tues 28 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
 6.00pm Evensong;
7.00pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir;
Wed 29  9:15 Morning Prayer
10:30 Communion, Coffee & Cake
7:45pm Soul Space
6.00pm Evensong;
Thurs 3011am-2pm Community Ventures Lunch at All Saints; 6pm-9pm Choir rehearsal;9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am Eucharist;
11.00am - 2.00pm - Community Venture lunch;
6.00pm Evensong;
Fri 31