| Parish |
St Mary's | Christ Church | All Saints |
Fri 1 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats; |   | 7.30pm - 9.00pm Choir rehearsal ; |
SAT 2 |   | 10-12noon Climb to the Top of the Tower; |   | 9.30am-2.00pm Quiet Day for Lent; |
SUN 3 | Lent 3;
6.30pm Lent talk at Christ Church; | 10am Sung Eucharist;
2.00pm Sporty Church; | 8am BCP Holy Communion;
10am Sung Eucharist +Martin presiding and preaching;
6.30pm Lent talk - The Crucifixion; | 8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
Midday Late Service; |
| Parish |
St Mary's | Christ Church | All Saints |
Mon 4 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins; | 3:30pm MESSY CHURCH - preparing for Mothering Sunday | 9.15am Morning Prayer; |
Tues 5 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist; | 7.45pm - 9.30pm - Sheen Gate Choir; | 6.00pm Evensong;
7.45pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir; |
Wed 6 | 7.30pm Cursillo House Eucharist and Supper at 18 Deanhill Road. (Host Mireille Stanton); | 9am-3pm Tugboats; | CCCG 7.45pm | 3.15pm – 4.30pm Junior Choir;
6.00pm Evensong; |
Thurs 7 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats; |   | 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am Eucharist;
6.00pm Evensong; |
Fri 8 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats; |   | 2.00pm Funeral for Verena Restell;
7.30pm - 9.00pm Choir rehearsal; |
SAT 9 |   | 9.30-11.30am Penny Poppins; | 10.30am - 4.00pm SGC Come and Sing Day; | 9:00-12:00: AS Flower Team |
6.30pm - Lent talk at All Saints; | 10am Sung Eucharist Mothering Sunday; | 10am Sung Eucharist Mothering Sunday; | 8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist for Mothering Sunday with Small Saints activities;
Midday Late Service;
6.30pm - Lent talk - The Empty Tomb; |
| Parish |
St Mary's | Christ Church | All Saints |
Mon 11 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins; |   | 9.15am Morning Prayer; |
Tues 12 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist;
8.00pm St Mary's Consultative - St Mary's Room; | SCP Quiet Day 10:30am - 4pm
7.45pm - 9.30pm - Sheen Gate Choir; | 6.00pm Evensong;
7.45pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir; |
Wed 13 | 3pm Contemplative Prayer at Christ Church; | 9am-3pm Tugboats; | 3pm Contemplative Prayer; | 9:30-12:30pm: Organ Tuning
3.15pm – 4.30pm Junior Choir;
6.00pm Evensong; |
Thurs 14 | 12.30 Community Venture Lent lunch at All Saints; | 9am-3pm Tugboats; | organ to be tuned - morning
1:30pm Memorial Service TL Simon Mercer | 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am Eucharist;
12.30pm Community Venture Lent Lunch;
6.00pm Evensong;
7.30pm-9pm Barnes Choir; |
Fri 15 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats; |   | 7.30pm - 9.00pm Choir rehearsal; |
SAT 16 | AM: Rectory garden working party |   |   | 9:30-11:30: Spring Cleaning - Church Cleaning Group |
SUN 17 | Lent 5
6.30pm - Lent talk at Christ Church; | 10am Worship for All; | 10am Sung Eucharist ;
5pm Choral Evensong with Sheen Gate Choir;
6.30pm - Lent talk - The Resurrection; | 8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
Midday Late Service; |
| Parish |
St Mary's | Christ Church | All Saints |
Mon 18 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins; |   | 9.15am Morning Prayer;
7-10pm TBC Evening MESS AGM; |
Tues 19 | 12.30pm Lent Lunch, 59 East Sheen Avenue (Mary Clarke); | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist; | 7.30pm - 9.30pm - Sheen Gate Choir | 9.00am-12.30pm ESPS visit;
6.00pm Evensong;
7pm-9.45pm Barnes Choir; |
Wed 20 | 6.15-7.15pm Julian Meeting at Christ Church; | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
7.00pm-9.00pm MIND Carers Grp (StM Rm); | 6.15-7.15pm Julian Meeting; | 3.15pm – 4.30pm Junior Choir;
6.00pm Evensong;
8-10pm Howells Singers Rehearsal; |
Thurs 21 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
1.30-3pm Rem Group - MCA; |   | 9.15am Morning Prayer;
10.00am Eucharist;
6.00pm Evensong;
7.00 - 10pm Barnes and Mortlake History Society AGM and Lecture; |
Fri 22 |   | 9am-3pm Tugboats; |   | 7.30pm - 9.00pm Choir rehearsal; |
SAT 23 | 12.30pm - 2.00pm Lent lunch at St Mary’s; | 12.30pm - 2.00pm St Mary's Lent Lunch;t5 | TYO 1pm-10pm |   |
9.15am meet with donkey at Sheen Lane crossroads | 9.15am meet with donkey at Sheen Lane crossroads
for blessing of crosses/palms;
10am Sung Eucharist; | 9.15am meet with donkey at Sheen Lane crossroads;
10am Sung Eucharist and choral passion reading; | 8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist;
Midday Late Service;
5.00pm Stations of the Cross; |
| Parish |
St Mary's | Christ Church | All Saints |
Mon 25 | 8.00pm parish worship for Holy Week at St Mary’s; | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
10am - 11.30am Penny Poppins;
3.45pm - 5.15pm Penny Poppins;
8pm Parish service of lament and hope for Holy Week | 2pm memorial service TL Michael Bostlemann | 9.15am Morning Prayer; |
Tues 26 | 8.00pm parish worship for Holy Week at Christ Church | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
9.15am Morning Prayer;
10am Eucharist; | 8pm Parish Tenebrae service for Holy week at Christ Church; | 4.45pm rehearsal for Maundy Thursday;
6.00pm Evensong; |
Wed 27 | 12.15pm Lent Lunch at Christ Church;
8.00pm parish worship for Holy Week at All Saints; | 9am-3pm Tugboats; | 9.15am Morning Prayer
11:30am said Holy Communion BCP
12.30pm Lent lunch; | 10:30-1:00pm: AS Flower Team
3.15pm – 4.30pm Junior Choir;
4.45pm rehearsal for Good Friday;
6.00pm Evensong;
8pm Parish Holy Week Service All Saints |
Thurs 28 | School Holiday until 12 April; | 9am-3pm Tugboats;
8.00pm Maundy Thursday Eucharist; | 8pm Maundy Thursday Eucharist; | NO 9.15am Morning Prayer;
NO 10.00am Eucharist;
10:30-1:00pm: AS Flower Team
6.00pm Evensong;
8.00pm Eucharist for Maundy Thursday; |
Fri 29 | GOOD FRIDAY | 12-3pm Good Friday Three Hours; | 1pm Church Open for quiet prayer;
2pm - 3pm Good Friday THE NAIL; | 10.00am Good Friday liturgy;
2.30pm Stations of the Cross
4:00-6:00pm: AS Flower Team |
SAT 30 | HOLY SATURDAY | 2.00pm - 5.00pm - Boat Race teas; | 8pm Easter Vigil, starting outside at the fire; | 8:00am-1:00pm: AS Flower Team
8.00pm Easter Vigil; |
SUN 31 | EASTER SUNDAY | 6.30 am Sunrise Service;
10am Sung Eucharist; | 8am BCP Holy Communion;
10am Sung Eucharist and Easter Egg Hunt; | 8.00am Holy Communion;
10.00am Sung Eucharist with children's Easter egg hunt;
NO Late Service; |